The My Tableau Story series showcases the evolving and inspiring experiences of Tableau Community leaders. This episode features Tableau Visionary, Tableau Tim Ngwena. Referred to by some as the "Bob Ross of Tableau" learn how Tim grew into a Tableau YouTube sensation with over 40k subscribers and thousands of hours of analytics tutorials.
Tableau Community Manager, Lelia Christine Williams, and Tim explore advice for building data and leadership skills through Community. Watch now to hear Tim's answers to:
How did your Tableau story begin?
How much Tableau knowledge did you have before you started teaching and sharing with others?
Why did you set out to teach Tableau in a way that hadn’t been done before? What does your creative process look like?
What role has the Tableau Community played in your professional and personal growth?
Which Tableau Community resources, programs, or people are your favorites for building analytics and leadership skills?
Which Tableau Community resources are most beneficial if you don't have a lot of time?
What advice do you have for someone who wants to become a content creator or thought leader in their space?
What is the Quantified Self movement?